Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday, 28 October's Class

Today we had Dawn and Penny, Elissa and Bodhi, and Lorril and Dottie on the field. Today, there were several notable performances from all three teams.

Lorril and Dottie laid a track closest to the stables at the east side of the field. We were concerned about Dottie's reaction to a horse and rider who stopped to watch, as Dottie had never seen a horse. Well, I still think she hasn't seen one, because she never even glanced at it! Deep nose, wagging tail; a happy tracker!

Dawn and Penny had an interesting track. Penny would "buttonhook" back to the food on the track, then continue on. She then tracked Dawn's path back to the car in one steady track. It turns out that Penny is ready for tracks with little or no food on them! Dawn laid a 30 pace track with food in every step. She then walked back to the start, went about 15 yards west of the first track, and laid another, longer track with 2-3 pieces of food at the beginning, and a small pile of treats at the end. Bingo! Penny tracked the second track with a deep nose, no buttonhooking, and a steady even pace to the end! Penny also grasped the indication of articles. In about 15 quick repetitions, she was downing at the article that Dawn had dropped on the ground.

Elissa and Bodhi worked a 210 pace track with 2 right turns, a prelude to a regulation Schutzhund I track. Bodhi picked up the scent right away, and moved out at a steady, even pace. His first turn to the right was taken with no change in speed, no change in depth of nose; it was as if a string from his nose to a hand underground was pulling him around the track. At the second turn, he gave one quick toss of his head to check the track, then turned right. Again, no loss of speed or concentration. Only a particularly hard-hearted judge would have taken one point for the head check; otherwise it was a 99.5 point track! 90 more paces, 2 articles, and Elissa and Bodhi are good to go on trial day.

It was particularly satisfying to see Elissa and Bodhi doing so well. For a long time, it was as if Bodhi didn't understand what Elissa was asking him to do. Elissa was getting frustrated and discouraged. For some reason, the last three tracks that I have seen looked as though a switch had been thrown in Bodhi's head, and the light bulb had come on. "Oh, NOW I get it!" was the picture of Bodhi on the track today, and I congratulate Elissa for not giving up.

Dave Port

Class Date Change

There will be no class on November 11th, 2007. There is a VST Tracking test on that date:

Palo Alto Foothills Tracking Association

Event No: 2007285406
Evergreen Valley College
3095 Yerba Nuena Road
San Jose, CA

I am planning on going to watch this, so I can find out what's required to enter and pass. If any of you are interested in watching, let me know and we can make it a "field trip." (sorry, I couldn't resist).

Class will be held on the preceding Saturday, November 1oth. We will be at the Mission/Decoto field at 8:00 am. If this is a problem, let me know and I may be able to set something up during the week.

Dave Port

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sunday, 28 October Tracking

Sunday's tracking will take place at the field at Mission Blvd. and Decoto Rd. at 8:00 am.

See you Sunday,

Dave Port

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday - Elissa and Bodhi Earn Their Orange Star!

Elissa and Bodhi often run a track on Friday mornings, before attending another training class. Toady, I caught them both as they ran a 150 pace track with a left and a right turn. At the first turn, Bodhi gave one quick check to the right, then took the left turn as if his nose was being pulled on a string under the ground! Same for the right turn!

Of course I "forgot" to tell them that they were taking their Orange Star tracing test; no exam phobia that way. During the other training class, Elissa had to leave early for another appointment. I got to embarrass her in front of the class by giving her her new pin (which I had conveniently put in my pocket prior to their track).

Good job, Elissa and Bodhi!

Last Sunday's Tracking

Sunday's tracking saw Dawn and Penny at the field before the instructor! Julia and Robert Barnes showed up; I got them started on the basics of H.I.T.T. tracking. Lorril and Dottie tracked about 90 paces, and did very well. Janet and Pepper, Elissa and Bodhi and Hunther and I all had a great time!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sunday, 21 October 2007 Tracking

Sunday's tracking will take place at the field at Mission Blvd. and Decoto Rd. at 8:00 am. Please see the post dated 27 September 2007, as is having "issues" with uploading images as I write this.

See you Sunday,

Dave Port

Sunday, 21 October 2007 Tracking

The field map is located in the post for September 27, 2007.

Dave Port

Monday, October 8, 2007

New Member

We have a new member! Julia Barnes and her female GSD Nikita joined Michele and me for a tracking session on Monday. I showed her the basics of H.I.T.T. (Hydration Intensified Tracking Training). Nikita tracked 25 steps on dirt, and 25 steps (twice) on asphalt with great success. While I was talking to Julia after the end of the last track, Nikita spontaneously began to follow the track again! Glad to have you with us!

That session provided some interesting feedback from Michele about a problem I've been having with Hunther's article indication. He has been turning his butt slightly clockwise upon downing at the article. At Michele's suggestion, I followed behind and slightly to his left. Upon finding the next article, Hunther swung his butt counterclockwise and downed. Hmmm. At the next article, I walked up and straddled him, and he stayed straight. Apparently he has been turning to see where his reinforcement will be coming from. So from now on he will be seeing me coming directly over him before reinforcement. That (and some off-track shaping to have him watch the article intently) should solve the problem.

Dave Port

Sunday's Training

Dawn and Penny arrived at the field on Sunday, about 5 minutes after me. I found that in my haste to transfer all my equipment to my new truck, I forgot a) my treats, b) my PVC pipe, c) my start flags, d) my tracking line, and e) my articles. I did bring my dogs, who unfortunately did not get to track because I had no equipment. :-(

Dawn and Penny worked four tracks. Penny did really well considering the layoff she had. She had a little trouble on turns and crossing furrows, but she didn't quit. She looked happy to be out tracking again!

See you all on Sunday, 14 October 2007, at the Mission Blvd. and Decoto Rd. dirt field at 8:00 am.

Dave Port

Friday, October 5, 2007

7 October Training

Training will take place at 8:00 am on Sunday, October 7th, 2007. we will be at the Mission/Decoto dirt field. Hope to see you all there.

The pins were/are a BIG hit! Everyone who has seen or received them likes them. Janet, when I see you again I'll be sure to give you your pins.

Dave Port